
How To Aviary: Lesson 5

July 17, 2019

How to Bulk Import Resources to Aviary by AVP

Although Aviary makes it very simple to upload one resources one at a time, there will most likely be cases when you want to import multiple resources into the system all at once. This is often the case when you are moving existing data or collections from one system to another. This process is often referred to as “bulk importing”.

Aviary lets you bulk import resources through two methods: OHMS XML Import and Aviary Package Import.

OHMS, or the Oral History Metadata Synchronizer, is a system used by many institutions that work with Oral History and interview collections. If you’re already using OHMS, you’ll find Aviary’s OHMS XML Import to be a quick and easy way to upload your content into Aviary. And if you don’t use OHMS, Aviary offers an import package that relies on CSV files for import. 

However your data is stored, Aviary provides an option for you to import multiple resources at the same time. The above video will give you a quick overview of each of these import options, and more detailed documentation about each process is available through the Aviary User Guide.