
More Podcast, Less Process Episode 6 Released

By: Joshua Ranger
January 30, 2014

AVPreserve announces the release of episode #6 of “More Podcast, Less Process”, the archives podcast co-produced with METRO. This week’s episode is “Can’t we all just get along? Shared services & institutional collaboration in libraries & archives” with guests Rachel Miller, Melanie Meyers, Lauren Bradley, and Felicity Corkill of the Center for Jewish History. The CJH consists of five partner organizations (American Jewish Historical Society, American Sephardi Federation, Leo Baeck Institute, Yeshiva University Museum and YIVO Institute for Jewish Research) that have banded together to share facilities and services in order support their common goal of providing research and educational resources related to more than 700 years of Jewish history. Our guests discuss the aspects of providing such shared services — the successes and challenges, as well as tips on collaboration. Though CJH presents a special situation of shared institutional goals, their efforts provide a model and guidance for many aspects of working across institutions, across departments, or even across the cubicle wall.

As always, you can listen through iTunes, Soundcloud, and Internet Archive; find information and direct downloads on the More Podcast, Less Process page at keepingcollections. org, or follow our RSS feed at