
New AVP Report: Best Practices in Electronic Transfers

By: Amy Rudersdorf
April 27, 2021
Electronic records inevitably get transferred.

MoVE-IT Cover

Whether that is small moves or bulk migrations, any organization will go through similar questions and challenges when moving data.
AVP was invited by the Council of State Archivists (CoSA) to support and participate in a report centered around this topic. The Modeling Viable Electronic Information Transfers (MoVE-IT) project builds upon work surveying state and territorial archives regarding the efficacy of their electronic records management and digital preservation programs. This report analyzes seven electronic records transfer projects with regard to the elements that challenged them and, ultimately, made them successes.
The report was published in February 2021, as a joint research project with CoSA, AVP and Preservica.
Download the full report for free here.